Nonius Svinghage


  " at leve er at lære - at lære er at leve"


If only they had had a Map



Adam in  EDEN


When Adam ate the apple,

he got wise as he could be.

For God's sake - Get me out of here

before Eternity.

He queried for the "Pearly Gates "

Where might the EXIT be ?

But he was lost without a MAP.

Don't lay the blame on me !


CIAO Bambino !

There is a lot of world to see.

I'll make a MAP

when I come back,

that will change the history.





In Athens Aristotle

strolled around and disagreed.

They tell me that the Earth is flat.

But Baby ! It can't be !

I analysed the facts I found,

as reason will allow.

The NATURE of the World is round

it's in the Physics now!


CIAO Bambino !

There is a lot of world to see.

I'll make a MAP

when I come back,

that will change the history.




Ptolemy - is greek to me !

And yet he made my day

He published his GEOGRAPHY

so I could find my way.

The longi - and the latitudes

of places known to Man

was properly recorded

and Cartography began


CIAO Bambino !

There is a lot of world to see.

I'll make a MAP

when I come back,

that will change the history.



Marco Polo


I had better write a book about

the troubles I have been through.

Said Marco Polo in his jail

I have nothing else to do.

I just came back from CHINA

Where the Kublai Khan - "can do".

If I had known - how far I'd gone

I had stayed at home - it's True !


CIAO Bambino !

There is a lot of world to see.

I'll make a MAP

when I come back,

that will change the history.



Christopher Columbus


Columbus sailed the Oceans

and saw land in '92.

But when at last he got ashore

he wondered what to do.

I Say ! Is  this the Indies ?

Where am I ? Tell me  ! - do !

If this poor Chap had had a MAP,

he would have got a clue .


CIAO Bambino !

There is a lot of world to see.

I'll make a MAP

when I come back,

that will change the history.








Nicolaus Copernicus



Copernicus - at last - got rid of old COSMOLOGY,

he redesigned the UNIVERSE

around his theory.

The Earth revolves around the SUN

with YOU - as best it can.

and PARADISE is where it was

when everything began.


CIAO Bambino !

There is a lot of world to see.

I'll make a MAP

when I come back,

that will change the history.



Kategori :

Svinghage i udlandet

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Kommentar :

CERCO Working group XIII

Special Historic Edition

Florence 1999





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