Nonius Svinghage


  " at leve er at lære - at lære er at leve"


A Sea Song



When You sail away - leave Your love with me !

I shall guard it - safely for thee.

"When you're back again , I am still Your friend.

And I hope that Your heart is free."


Love the Sea - and leave me - with peace in mind.

But my love ! Beware ! Love is blind !

"If You trust the Sea, You may never be,

coming home - but remain behind."


Trust your Charts - My friend, when You roam around,

and You shall return, safe and sound.

"When You sail the Seas, set your souls at ease.

And support IHO, If You please !"




Kategori :

Svinghage i udlandet

Sangen kan synges på denne melodi :

Moscow Nights by  V. Ssolowjoff- Ssedoi

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IHO er den internationale organisation for søkortlægning.

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